Feature Request: Calculators!

In the “Resources” tab, would it be possible to include some simple tools for performing calculations? The ones that come to mind are those available on the Tocris website:

Reconstitution Calculator
Molarity Calculator
Dilution Calculator

It would be awesome to have these available right in the Findings App, so when I am writing up my experimental setup, I can perform the calculations without navigating away from Findings.

Thanks again!

Nevermind! I did a quick search, and found that you already included the directions to do just this!

Thanks so much, this is awesome!


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Indeed :slight_smile:

Glad you found it useful. For others to find, here is the tutorial: Advanced: Creating a custom HMTL resource - #3 by cparnot

Or just get the resource directly from here: Resource: Molarity Calculator - #2 by Bisogni

Note also that you can also directly use URLs for resources, which will simply open the web page in a window. To create such a URL, just drag from the address bar in Safari, into the Finder. This will create a small file that then serves as a bookmark. There is an example in the Resources that come with the app.

See this gif:

2018-03 Resource from URL5

By the way, any interesting resource you make, and would like to share? Feel free to post a new discussion in the ‘Share’ category: Share - Findings Community